Continuous Validation


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In addition to this, the status of a pipeline (integrity over time) can be tracked by a continuous integration (CI) service. In this section we describe how Popper integrates with some existing CI services.

CI System Configuration

The PopperCLI tool includes a ci subcommand that can be executed to generate configuration files for multiple CI systems. First, add a validation script to our pipeline. We add this file in scripts/ with the following contents:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import csv
import sys

fname = sys.argv[1]

with open(fname, 'r') as fi:
    r = csv.reader(fi)

    # get 0-based index of last column in CSV file
    last = len(next(r)) - 1

    for row in r:
        # for years greater than 1950, we should have non-zero mean
        if int(row[0]) < 1950:
            assert float(row[last]) == 0.0
            assert float(row[last]) != 0

The syntax of this command is the following:

popper ci <service-name>

Where <service-name> is the name of CI service (see popper ci --help to get a list of supported systems).

For our example, we will use Travis CI. We first need to create an account on this service. Assuming our repository is already on GitHub, we can enable it on TravisCI so that it is continuously validated (see here for a guide). Once the project is registered on Travis, we proceed to generate a .travis.yml file:

popper ci travis

And commit the file:

git add .travis.yml
git commit -m 'Adds TravisCI config file'

We then can trigger an execution by pushing to GitHub:

git push

After this, we go to the TravisCI website to see your pipelines being executed. Every new change committed to a public repository will trigger an execution of your pipelines. To avoid triggering an execution for a commit, include a line with [skip ci] as part of the commit message.

NOTE: TravisCI has a limit of 50 minutes for running a workflow, after which the test is terminated and failed.

Key Points